What about Breakfast at Tiffany’s???

I don’t usually sit around and contemplate what it must be like to be someone else. What it must be like to live as they live or do as they do. I have way to many of my own things to think about. But, today I sat and watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s and I couldn’t help but get swept up in the fantasy of Holly Golightly herself.

Don’t get me wrong. I am perfectly happy in the life I currently have. I have no complaints. OK, maybe I would like sunshine and rainbows on a daily basis, and children who are picture book perfect without having to threaten their very existence, but really, no regrets. I just cannot decide if Ms. Golightly stupefies me, or if in some small miniscule way, I am a tad bit jealous of her.

Holly is a naïve, eccentric gold digger who is out to find the man of her dreams, as long as he falls outside of the perimeter of being a rat or super rat. She was a young southern runaway who found love with a man of thrice her age, who then grew from his shackles to be a free spirit, a wild thing, not penned into any cage, and an up and comer in New York. Lulu Mae may have fled her mindset, but her soul and whimsy is still of one lost and lonely child. She has stability at her fingertips, but he cannot seem to manage to pass her a few bucks to pay the man in the powder room, therefore she looks through him, not at him. Her heart is set upon a playboy who is far from playboy material and a dapper Brazilian who is too busy looking out for his own good, to look out for hers. When all she needs is the love and devotion of a lowly writer, who is published and showcased at the Local Library and who is willing to offer her the world, starting with an engraved ring from the Cracker Jacks box.

Having said all of that, I in no way think or want to be the semi-classy Manhattan socialite that she thinks she is portraying. He life is WAY to complicated. I am merely fascinated by her interior decorating skills, her, pun intended, go lightly attitude and her fashion sense. I would give my right (Ok, maybe left) arm, for her wardrobe. I really REALLY want her bathtub couch. And that Piñata? Need I say more?

The movie is a classic. The story of a hopeless romantic in the all too familiar role, playing hard to get with a chase of a girl who in the definition of playgirl, is out of his league, if only because of her style. As a woman, we all long for that chase. We all want to be so eccentric that we are irresistible to men, even if they should know better than to fall for the likes of our kind. And we all want a no name cat and her hats.

Did you know that Truman Capote, the novelist who created Ms. Golightly, hated the movie adaptation of his book? He hated Audrey Hepburn as the lead and in one short sentence, summed it all up with “It made me want to throw up”.  Mr. Capote had wanted Marilyn Monroe to be the lead. I, personally, cannot see it.

I love the movie. I love the book. I love Lulu Mae. I love Holly Golightly. I love cat. I would love some Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

One response to “What about Breakfast at Tiffany’s???

  1. Yeah, I would love to have Breakfast at Tiffany’s too.

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